"@mirinbuddy some are official, others fanmade, for example all the jurassic park ones are fanmade, hellboy ones are official, actually the guy who made them, also did the star wars ones too ;)"
"its all subjective at the end of the day, even if you think a movie deserves a 7 or or lower, or its not a well directed, others might think otherwise, only thing thats left to do is just respect each"
"but i never said that its their fault, plus i never insulted anyone nor was that ever my intention, all i said was that these kind of stuff and specific types of mentality overglorifies an obvious pro"
"being overweight should not be something to be praised about, this type of art glorifies exactly that, at least in the way i see it, dont get me wrong there is NOTHING wrong with being slightly over o"
"with time i have learned that you should never trust sites like metacritic or even rotten tomatoes."
"you are not alone my friend i do a lot of impulse buying too, it results in a lot of regrets, but sometimes you get hiddens gems out of it ;)"
"its hard to believe that some of these are actual paintings, great list ;)"
"screw the Picassoยดs this is what i call art, i actually thought that the Iguana Park was real at first sight XD"
"Awesome list its very interesting to see your different points of view ;)"
"but they do exist, just not in the sizes they were described, and the interesting part is that we have been finding bigger and bigger ones so who knows maybe he was not that far off, but then again le"
"yeah, who knows maybe there is a true kraken and giant sea creatures talked about in legends down there ;)"
"this just makes me wonder what else is hidden in the darkness of the ocean, after all we only know about 20% of species."
"Really liking your recent lists (not saying that the others suck) keep up with the awesome discussions, and completely agree with every point you made, Mad Max is truly an awesome piece of film."
"its interesting to see such different opinions, i made a list like this as well but its quite different, but i kinda confused on the fact that you put Age of ultron lower than the Incredible Hulk bu"